Our Vision

Drawing inspiration from firsthand experiences in the nonprofit sector, we recognize the potential of small to midsize nonprofit organizations as the true change-makers of the future but many face resource limitations that impede their impact. Our vision is a nonprofit sector where the overworked and underfunded can make data-driven decisions independently, eliminating the need for costly consultants on retainer.

Who We Are

Imperatix is the organization behind “AI Solutions for Nonprofits”. We are comprised of a team of nonprofit professionals and a bunch of robots.

Specifically, AI models and platforms that are used to analyze data, develop copy and content, assist strategic decision-making, and automate tasks.

We believe nonprofits, especially small to midsize nonprofits, are poised to be the big change makers of the future. We have experienced firsthand how hard these nonprofits work to make a difference.

Our Mission

We want to empower nonprofit organizations with the knowledge and tools to leverage the transformative potential of AI. We make AI accessible to democratize data analytics, increase operational efficiency, and amplify messaging equipping nonprofits to thrive and focus on vital mission delivery.

How We Can Help

We believe nonprofits, especially small to midsize nonprofits, are poised to be the big change makers of the future. We have experienced firsthand how hard these nonprofits work to make a difference. Typically, nonprofits of a smaller size are closer to mission delivery and spend every day on the frontlines in their communities. But too often, the impact is limited by resources and bandwidth. AI can help overcome both.

We have sat through those tough budget meetings feeling the weight of how our community we served was not going to get as much support as we would have liked because of restraints. We have hired consultants to make recommendations and we’ve been hit with a huge price tag and even bigger disappointments in the deliverables. Receiving data-driven strategies and support should not break your budget.

Our Goal

We pride ourselves on accessibility and transparency. Not only do we want to give you as much information about your nonprofit’s data. We will also do it in a manner that is economical, approachable, and available when you want rather than waiting for your bi-monthly check-in with your Account Manager. We will even teach you how to do it yourself if you want.

Our hope and goal is to guide you and your team through the AI platforms and systems available to you, understand your pain points to teach you how to implement AI, build custom systems for your team, and then train everyone up to the point of success that you do not need us anymore. Really. Lose our number. Fly free. You got this.

We are joking, we will always be here for you to adjust systems, train new team members, or keep you up to date on new technological advances that might help you even more. But our goal is that you are not reliant on us, and please do not offer to pay us a retainer.

Let’s get started